Parkinson's Care

Parkinson’s Care

senior parkinson's care

According to the Parkinson’s Foundation, Parkinson’s disease is a neurodegenerative brain disorder that progresses slowly in most people. Most symptoms can take years to develop, and one can live for years with the disease while requiring increasing levels of care for day to day activities and to maintain a more independent lifestyle.

At Stay at Home Senior Care, we understand that each person and family living with Parkinson’s disease is unique. From moderate assistance to full-time care, our team recognizes that our plan of care needs to be tailored to meet your particular goals and needs. Stay at Home Senior Care recognizes that a complex, chronic and progressive illness such as Parkinson’s requires an interdisciplinary approach and ongoing communication between all care providers and family members.

Your care team understands that to preserve your quality of life, your home care team needs to be focused on several areas that are unique to those living with Parkinson’s disease. With well-planned meals, providing needed nutrition with the right balance of grains, vegetables and fruits, fiber and complex carbohydrates, our caregivers can nourish you to maintain health.

Working with physical, occupational and speech therapy can be a necessary part of keeping the strength and abilities you have. Our caregivers can help you adhere to a therapy plan. Freezing, which is the temporary, involuntary inability to move can occur at any time, and our caregivers understand that there are some unique steps they can guide you in to help get over one of these episodes. Medication regimes for Parkinson clients must be followed very closely. Our care team at Stay at Home Senior Care understands this and focuses their attention on all the details of your treatment plan.

Our caregivers can assist with:

  • Medication Reminders
  • Fall and Injury Prevention
  • Coordination and Scheduling – with physical, occupational and speech therapy
  • Change in Condition Alerts
  • Assistance with Bathing, Dressing and Personal Care
  • Light Housekeeping
  • Meal Preparation
  • Transportation and Scheduling – medical, community and social activities
  • And much more!